Discover the Truth

Discovering the Truth Program covers 8 practices and a period of 1 month.

Stress Management

Stress Management Program covers 8 practices and a period of 1 month

The Art of Awareness

The program of The Art of Awareness covers 8 practices over a period of 1 month.

The Art Of Being Brave

You will rediscover the courage you have lost with our Art of Being Brave program.

The Art Of Being Enthusiastic

With the "The Art of Becoming Enthusiastic" in the World Change Academy, you will discover and effuse the enthusiasm coming from your essence.

The Art of Being Powerful

With the study of Art of Being Powerful at the World Change Academy you will discover your inner power and learn to use it constructively.

Art of Being Self-Sacrificing

Art of Being Self-Sacrificing Program covers 8 practices and a period of 1 month

The Art of Being Wise

The Art of Being Wise program covers 8 practices over a period of 1 month.

The Art of Effective Communication

The Art of Effective Communication program includes 8 practices over a 1 month duration.

The Art of Forgiveness

Art of Forgiveness Program covers 8 practices and a period of 1 month

The Art of Freeing From Depression

The Art of Freeing From Hate

You will realize this fact in a short period of time when you apply the Program of Art of Freeing from Hate with a Change Expert.

The Art of Freeing From Loneliness

With the program of Art of Freeing from Loneliness, the emotion of loneliness will no longer bother you; on the contrary, it will turn into such a peaceful and satisfying emotion that you will be willing to take a short break from life, rest, be alone with yourself, and be refilled with energy.

The Art Of Love

The The Program of Art of Love covers 8 practices and a period of 1 month.

The Art of Overcoming Death

There is no place for death in existence because existence consists of just existing and nothing more. Then what is death? Death is an ending and a beginning for life to constantly renew itself. A living being is immune to death because of its eternal nature – it cannot die, but the body is subject to death. A living entity that perceives itself as a body believes that it is going to die and disappear when it dies. However, death is just a new beginning. In the Art of Overcoming Death program, you will overcome all of your ignorance related to death and be able to experience it as a celebration by accepting death as the color of life.

The Art of Overcoming Ego

With the program of Art of Overcoming Ego in World Change Academy, you will discover the ego and melt it.

The Art of Overcoming Fears
With this very special program we provide, you will realize your fears, determine its roots, and extirpate them from your inside.

The Art of Overcoming Jealousy

It is not easy to overcome this very strong emotion that affects a large part of the world. However, with the Change program, you will see that you can do it.

The Art of Overcoming Laziness

Laziness is the manifestation of the universal entropy law in human life. According to the law of entropy, order always moves towards disorder. In human life, this law is manifested in the emotions, thoughts, and actions. Love moves toward hate, positivity moves towards negativity, and diligence moves towards laziness. Since entropy is a universal law, no one can escape from it. In other words, laziness exists in everybody’s life. Therefore, it is best to accept laziness and cooperate with it rather than deny, avoid, and denigrate it. Through your practice at the World Change Academy, you will be able to discover the laziness in your own life and transform it.

The Art of Parenting

The Art of Being Parent program includes 8 practices over a 1 month duration.

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Discover the Truth

Discovering the Truth Program covers 8 practices and a period of 1 month.

Stress Management

Stress Management Program covers 8 practices and a period of 1 month

The Art of Awareness

The program of The Art of Awareness covers 8 practices over a period of 1 month.

The Art Of Being Brave

You will rediscover the courage you have lost with our Art of Being Brave program.

The Art Of Being Enthusiastic

With the "The Art of Becoming Enthusiastic" in the World Change Academy, you will discover and effuse the enthusiasm coming from your essence.

The Art of Being Powerful

With the study of Art of Being Powerful at the World Change Academy you will discover your inner power and learn to use it constructively.

Art of Being Self-Sacrificing

Art of Being Self-Sacrificing Program covers 8 practices and a period of 1 month

The Art of Being Wise

The Art of Being Wise program covers 8 practices over a period of 1 month.

The Art of Effective Communication

The Art of Effective Communication program includes 8 practices over a 1 month duration.

The Art of Forgiveness

Art of Forgiveness Program covers 8 practices and a period of 1 month

The Art of Freeing From Depression

The Art of Freeing From Hate

You will realize this fact in a short period of time when you apply the Program of Art of Freeing from Hate with a Change Expert.

The Art of Freeing From Loneliness

With the program of Art of Freeing from Loneliness, the emotion of loneliness will no longer bother you; on the contrary, it will turn into such a peaceful and satisfying emotion that you will be willing to take a short break from life, rest, be alone with yourself, and be refilled with energy.

The Art Of Love

The The Program of Art of Love covers 8 practices and a period of 1 month.

The Art of Overcoming Death

There is no place for death in existence because existence consists of just existing and nothing more. Then what is death? Death is an ending and a beginning for life to constantly renew itself. A living being is immune to death because of its eternal nature – it cannot die, but the body is subject to death. A living entity that perceives itself as a body believes that it is going to die and disappear when it dies. However, death is just a new beginning. In the Art of Overcoming Death program, you will overcome all of your ignorance related to death and be able to experience it as a celebration by accepting death as the color of life.

The Art of Overcoming Ego

With the program of Art of Overcoming Ego in World Change Academy, you will discover the ego and melt it.

The Art of Overcoming Fears
With this very special program we provide, you will realize your fears, determine its roots, and extirpate them from your inside.

The Art of Overcoming Jealousy

It is not easy to overcome this very strong emotion that affects a large part of the world. However, with the Change program, you will see that you can do it.

The Art of Overcoming Laziness

Laziness is the manifestation of the universal entropy law in human life. According to the law of entropy, order always moves towards disorder. In human life, this law is manifested in the emotions, thoughts, and actions. Love moves toward hate, positivity moves towards negativity, and diligence moves towards laziness. Since entropy is a universal law, no one can escape from it. In other words, laziness exists in everybody’s life. Therefore, it is best to accept laziness and cooperate with it rather than deny, avoid, and denigrate it. Through your practice at the World Change Academy, you will be able to discover the laziness in your own life and transform it.

The Art of Parenting

The Art of Being Parent program includes 8 practices over a 1 month duration.

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World Change Academy
(+90) 533 258 77 72
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