The Art of Overcoming Jealousy
Jealousy is an inevitable emotion that a person feels towards the one who attracts others' attention more than himself, who achieves what he cannot achieve, who is famous, who possesses something that he cannot, who has the possibility to get the thing which is in his hands, who is much more different from him, and who is more self-confident, more courageous, more peaceful, stronger, happier, and full of much more love.It is not easy to overcome this very strong emotion that affects a large part of the world. However, with the Change program, you will see that you can do it.
The Aim of the Program
· To define the emotion of jealousy
· To detect and observe jealousy when it arises
. To overcome the feeling of jealousy and transform it.
The Content of the Program
The program is composed of eight practices and is completed in 1 month. In every practice, a briefing which introduces a new viewpoint of the concept of jealousy will be given and a practical application will be done afterwards.
1st Practice: To overcome jealousy, first define what it is.
2nd Practice: Eliminate the lack of self-confidence, which is the most important cause for jealousy.
3rd Practice: Raise your awareness of jealousy.
4th Practice: When you feel jealous of someone, appreciate them.
5th Practice: See the difference between love and sexual drive.
6th Practice: Do not compare yourself with anyone.
7th Practice: Get rid of all prejudices about jealousy; stop thinking jealousy is bad.
8th Practice: Love yourself.
The Things You will Gain from the Program
When the program consisting of eight practices is completed:
· You will learn the source for your feeling of jealousy.
· You will have true knowledge and awareness of the feeling of jealousy.
. You will have the ability and wisdom to transform your jealousy.
World Change Academy
(+90) 533 258 77 72
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