The Art of Freeing From Hate

You will realize this fact in a short period of time when you apply the Program of Art of Freeing from Hate with a Change Expert.
The Aim of the Program
· To define the emotion of hate and to discover its root
· To see and observe the manifestations of hate.
· To turn hate back into love.
The Content of the Program
The program is composed of eight practices and is completed in 1 month. In every practice, a briefing which introduces a new viewpoint of reasons of hate will be given and a practical application will be done afterwards.
1st Practice: Be aware of the hate.
2nd Practice: Realize that the source of hate is love.
3rd Practice: Be free from the selfishness that causes hate.
4th Practice: Realize that you are whole and complete.
5th Practice: Accept and love yourself as you are.
6th Practice: Learn to forgive.
7th Practice: Learn to distinguish what real love is and what it is not.
8th Practice: Find out what the right kind of sacrifice is.
The Things You will Gain from the Program
When the program consisting of eight practices is completed:
· You will be aware of which emotions, thoughts, and actions in your life originate from hate.
· You will be able to watch how love turns into hate.
. You will learn how to turn hate back into the love that it arises from.
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