The Art of Overcoming Death

There is no place for death in existence because existence consists of just existing and nothing more. Then what is death? Death is an ending and a beginning for life to constantly renew itself. A living being is immune to death because of its eternal nature – it cannot die, but the body is subject to death. A living entity that perceives itself as a body believes that it is going to die and disappear when it dies. However, death is just a new beginning. In the Art of Overcoming Death program, you will overcome all of your ignorance related to death and be able to experience it as a celebration by accepting death as the color of life.
The Aim of the Program
- To understand what the phenomenon of death is
- To observe the place of death in life
- To understand immortality
The Content of the Program
The program is composed of eight practices and is completed in 1 month. In every practice, a briefing that introduces a new viewpoint of death will be given, and a practical application will be done afterwards.
- 1st Practice: Death is the abandonment of the spiritual entity’s physical body.
- 2nd Practice: There is no such thing as death in existence: you were always there and will always continue to exist.
- 3rd Practice: Fear of death originates from the mind, so you should stop the mind in order to understand death.
- 4th Practice: You should develop your awareness of being an immortal creature.
- 5th Practice: Death is within life, beside life, and it is a part of the game.
- 6th Practice: Death is a friend of life, and life is constantly renewed by death.
- 7th Practice: You cannot avoid death. You must accept death, then become ready for death.
- 8th Practice: You will celebrate death when you live your life to the fullest.
What You Will Gain from the Program
When the program consisting of eight practices is completed:
- You will understand that death is a legend: it does not exist, and it is an illusion.
- You will discover that you are immortal because a living being cannot die.
- You will understand that death exists in order for life in the universe to continue and that this is just part of the game.
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