Stress Management

Stress Management Program covers 8 practices and a period of 1 month
The Aim of the Program
· What does Stress Management mean?
· What are the sources of Stress?
. How can stress be removed?
The Content of the Program
The program is composed of eight practices and is completed in 1 month. In every practice a briefing which introduces new viewpoint stress will be given and a practical application will be done afterwards.
1st Practice: You must take the responsibility of your actions, choices and decisions.
2nd Practice: The solutions of all the problems lie within them.
3rd Practice: Stress means moving away from your natural state.
4th Practice: Be aware of your thoughts.
5th Practice: You do not need to feel guilty against your faults.
6th Practice: Be aware of your breath.
7th Practice: Exit from controller mode.
8th Practice: Stay at the moment.
The Things You will Gain from the Program
When the program consisting of eight practices is completed:
· You will discover the sources of stress that arise in yourself
· You will notice the reactions you give to the things that create stress and you will be able to control your reactions.
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