The Art of Overcoming Laziness

Laziness is the manifestation of the universal entropy law in human life. According to the law of entropy, order always moves towards disorder. In human life, this law is manifested in the emotions, thoughts, and actions. Love moves toward hate, positivity moves towards negativity, and diligence moves towards laziness. Since entropy is a universal law, no one can escape from it. In other words, laziness exists in everybody’s life. Therefore, it is best to accept laziness and cooperate with it rather than deny, avoid, and denigrate it. Through your practice at the World Change Academy, you will be able to discover the laziness in your own life and transform it.
The Aim of the Program
· Definition of laziness
· Self-detection of laziness
. To dynamically transform laziness into the diligence
The Content of the Program
The program is composed of eight practices and is completed in 1 month. In every practice, a briefing that introduces a new viewpoint of laziness will be given, and a practical application will be done afterwards.
- 1st Practice: Laziness is the manifestation of the universal entropy force within the human structure.
- 2nd Practice: Become aware of your laziness.
- 3rd Practice: Wake up the love within you, and let the laziness evaporate.
- 4th Practice: Raise your awareness and consciousness to overcome entropy.
- 5th Practice: Do not fight with laziness, and do not run away from it – confront it.
- 6th Practice: Collaborate with laziness.
- 7th Practice: Learn to be in the flow and open yourself to change.
- 8th Practice: Do not take life seriously. Existence is a game: do not forget this.
The Things You will Gain from the Program
When the program consisting of eight practices is completed:
- · In your life, you will be able to detect the location of laziness and see it.
- · You will learn how the law of entropy, the manifestation of laziness, works in human life.
- . Since entropy is a universal law, you will realize that there is no escape from it, and you will understand that you must cooperate with laziness.
- . You will accept laziness instead of denying or seeing it as evil.
- . You will see that your laziness also has sides that can be loved, and when you love it, you will see it transform into diligence.
World Change Academy
(+90) 533 258 77 72
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