The Art of Forgiveness

Art of Forgiveness Program covers 8 practices and a period of 1 month
The Aim of the Program
· What does forgiveness mean?
· How to be forgiven?
. What are the consequences of forgiveness?
The Content of the Program
The program is composed of eight practices and is completed in 1 month. In every practice a briefing which introduces new viewpoint forgiveness will be given and a practical application will be done afterwards.
1st Practice: Laugh at the thing that you can not forgive.
2nd Practice: To forgive means to confront and digest.
3rd Practice: Forgiveness is a choice.
4th Practice: Not forgiving is actually a punishment that we give to ourselves, not to the person against us.
5th Practice: Forgiveness begins with forgiving yourself.
6th Practice: Forgiveness means to accept.
7th Practice: Forgiveness frees the person.
8th Practice: Only the powerful people can forgive.
The Things You will Gain from the Program
When the program consisting of eight practices is completed:
· You will discover the things that you did not forgive
· You will realize why you must forgive
. You will see the benefits of forgiveness to you in the first place and everyone around you
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