The Art of Freeing From Loneliness

With the program of Art of Freeing from Loneliness, the emotion of loneliness will no longer bother you; on the contrary, it will turn into such a peaceful and satisfying emotion that you will be willing to take a short break from life, rest, be alone with yourself, and be refilled with energy.
The Aim of the Program
· To define loneliness
· Understanding the emotion of loneliness and investigating its causes
. Separation of aloneness from feelings of loneliness
. Revealing of the richness that is added to human life through aloneness
. Transformation of the emotion of loneliness
The Content of the Program
The program is composed of eight practices and is completed in 1 month. In every practice, a briefing which introduces a new viewpoint of concept of anger will be given and a practical application will be done afterwards.
1st Practice: Loneliness is a human emotion and is universal.
2nd Practice: To be free from loneliness, be natural and unfeigned.
3rd Practice: Be aware of your loneliness.
4th Practice: Do not try to be special — be yourself.
5th Practice: Be happy when you are alone.
6th Practice: Stop blaming people.
7th Practice: No matter what happens, do not forget your own value.
8th Practice: Do not escape from loneliness.
The Things You will Gain from the Program
When the program consisting of eight practices is completed:
· You will understand the cause for the emotion of loneliness.
· You will learn how to transform the emotion of loneliness.
. Instead of escaping from loneliness, you will learn to experience it to the fullest.
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