Change Programs

The person who lost his individuality becomes something indistinguishable than a robot. A person who is robotic, ie mechanized, can not keep control of his wishes, needs and life.
If the individual wants to regain his individuality and take control of his life, he must undergo a qualified change. The first thing that must be done is to get rid of the fake personality that has been imposed on him and caused him to become alienated to himself from the moment he was born.
Change programs consist of theoretical and original practical applications based on very effective archaic techniques for the person who wants to gain individuality. Studies are carried out as individual, group and institutional.
Who works with Change Program
Those who want to make change towards good in their lives, those who ask for a better life by waking up their potentials and operationalizing them, can reach their goals with change programs.
Entrepreneurs, business owners, professionals, companies that are open to development and change can work with change programs.
Those who want more positive change in their relationships, in their career, in their family life, in their inner world can make this change with change programs.
Everyone can start a Change project in their life. It is very important to make the right start in the right place with the right experts.
With the change programs based on the experience, the wisdom and practical application of the World Change Academy and the change experts that are trained; you can create the change that you miss in your life.
Change Programs are divided into 4 categories, you can register for any program.
Programs of the Art of Being Yourself
The Art of Being Brave
The Art of Being Enthusiastic
The Art of Forgiveness
The Art of Being Free
The Art of Being Happy
The Art of Being Intuitive
The Art of Being Powerful
The Art of Being Responsible
The Art of Being Rich
The Art of Being Self-sacrificing
The Art of Creativity
The Art of Love
The Art of Self-confidence
The Art of Self-Expression
The Art of Success
Programs of the Art of Overcoming Yourself
Healthy Sexuality Program
The Art of Aging Without Getting Older
The Art of Being Mature
The Art of Being Wise
The Art of Making the Mind One-Focused
The Art of Overcoming Death
The Art of Overcoming Ego
The Art of Overcoming Fear
The Art of Overcoming Jealousy
The Art of Overcoming Laziness
The Art of Parenting
The Art of Sharing
Programs of the Art of Freeing
The Art of Freeing from Addictions
The Art of Freeing from Depression
The Art of Freeing from Hate
The Art of Freeing from Loneliness
The Art of Freeing from Solitude
The Art of Freeing from the Feeling of Guilt
The Art of Transformation of Anger
Programs of Art of the Change
Organization Skills
Stress Management
The Art of Awakening of Intelligence
The Art of Awareness
The Art of Change
The Art of Determination of Target and Strategy
The Art of Discovering the Truth
The Art of Effective Communication
The Art of Leadership
The Art of Life
The Art of Motivation
The Art of Staying in the Moment
Time Management
World Change Academy
(+90) 533 258 77 72
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