Spiritual Evolution

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Unbeknownst to the person, every inhale means slavery, while every exhale means freedom. The material bio-robot called the body only takes, while the inner self called the consciousness only gives. Society leads people to believe that the universe is a school of learning yet the soul is inherently knowledgeable. If children were given the choice, schools would be empty! This is the hint that the universe is not a school but a playground.
Unlike animals, humans can ask “Who am I?” and “What will I do?” The journey to self-discovery is not a new concept. However, no one seems to know the right place to start. They search for these answers throughout their lives. The consciousness, like a bright lamp, has been covered with beliefs imposed by others.
Spiritual evolution means to make the right start. For this reason, it is necessary to return and change the first step in order to reach the right place. It is a journey from the known to the unknown. The individual takes a journey from the selfishness he knows to the self which he does not know, and he gains access to the existential self. The scattered minds will become peacefully still and mental divisions coalesce. Take the first step with us.
This book is unique in the way valuable psychological knowledge and research is presented in a way that is easy for people of all ages to understand and process. It will make people evaluate themselves and examine, observe, and investigate facets of themselves they previously had not considered. It offers them a refreshing perspective and opportunity to explore life as well as their views of themselves and the world in different, insightful ways.
The audience for this book is all of humanity and people of all ages. It is for whoever is interested in spiritual evolution and beginning a journey of self-discovery.
World famous and great author Akif Manaf has published more than 60 books. The books of the author have been translated into over 70 languages. He is currently writing more similar books.
The author was born 60 years ago to an intellectual and sophisticated family of doctors. He has devoted himself to the self-improvement and spiritual evolution of mankind. The author has participated in various trainings, written books, and founded associations and international federations for the purpose of serving the spiritual evolution of humanity.
He first received education in the Cybernetic Economy field to understand the economic, political, and ideological dynamics of global society. After completing masters and doctorate degrees, he began to analyze the psychological situation of today’s people in detail.
The author is one of the few noteworthy enlightened people on the planet with his extraordinary talents of observation, perception, and capacity for empathy. He is an expert at explaining the cause and effect relationship mirroring to the reader in his books. He is also extraordinarily skilled at hinting the magnificent delight of existence, the cosmic mechanism as well as human and super human values to the reader through his eloquent writing.
Since the author is fully aware of being a spiritual and eternal being rather than a mortal body, he continues to live in this direction and share this spiritual awareness with all of humanity: “The unique solution for all political, economic, and ideological crises and problems existing on the planet is the awareness of being a spiritual and eternal being rather than a mortal body; it is the unearthing of the real inner identity. We are eternal and conscious beings full of delight and love…A human rapidly evolves spiritually and is freed from all problems and suffering when he or she is enlightened and begins to exist with consciousness.
Some of his works:
Spiritual Evolution: What is it and How to Spiritually Evolve?
Change: What is it and How Does it Happen?
Truth: What is it and How to Discover It?
Human: What is it and How to Become
Beyond Human?
Life: What is it and How to live it to the Fullest?
Love : What is it and How to Love Unconditionally?
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